Thank You!!!
To all our front-line fighters -doctors, nurses, police, CISF, news reporters, cleaners - keeping us safe!!!

While many of us have the privilege to “coronavirus and chill,” aka stay home and safe amid the coronavirus outbreak, we should all be grateful to those doing vital work that leaves them exposed. It’s not just everyone working in health care, though they’re certainly the front line, but a bevy of others keeping our society functioning. It’s the doormen and delivery guys, the Uber and taxi drivers, the cops and the MTA workers, grocery and pharmacy staff. With the rest of us tucked into our homes, these folks are taking the risk daily to keep our fridges and pantries stocked, ensure that those who need medications have them — and that travel remains possible, the lights stay on, etc. In fact, these sorts of services are in such high demand, Amazon announced it’s hiring another 100,000 warehouse and delivery workers as online demand increases. Not all heroes wear capes — some ride bikes with food strapped to their backs during an infectious-disease outbreak. Thank you to all who are showing up, despite the risks and fears. We quite literally couldn’t keep going without you.



A superhero without cape!!!

The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly changed the way people approach their healthcare.The global healthcare system has lagged in its ability to effectively respond to novel and highly contagious viruses. However, we are learning and updating protocols for diagnosing, treating, containing, and curing these types of global pandemics. Furthermore, frontline healthcare workers are expanding their roles and assuming greater responsibilities while fighting this viral epidemic.
Here are a few of the critical roles that have been proposed and implemented.

  • The Role of Nurses During a Pandemic.
  • The Role of Medical Assistants During a Pandemic.
  • The Role of Medical Office Administrators During a Pandemic.


We sleep & they Stay Awake for us!!!

We know that we are ordinary citizen of the country, where our heroes from Indian Army keep us secure and safe. When we enjoy our holiday with our family, our soldiers march early in the morning and work all day with the motto “Service before Self”. Over the past many years, we all have witnessed our soldier’s unflinching determination to do what is right, their enthusiasm to go the extra mile and to put India and Indians before themselves. First and foremost, we would love to give a huge shout out and our heartfelt “THANKS” to all they have done and doing for us and our country. We all have witnessed our soldiers’ braveness and greatness and for everything we want to salute them from our hearts. We know this is nothing compare to what our heroes do for us but this the least possible thing we can do for them; To soldiers who are protecting us at our country border.


A superhero without cape!!!

Police officers put their lives on the line every day to protect communities and keep the peace. Yet, it can be a bit of a thankless job, which is why the third Saturday of September is now recognized nationally as "Thank a Police Officer Day." Showing appreciation for law enforcement can go a long way in boosting the morale of officers. Residents, businesses and civic organizations can all participate on "Thank a Police Officer Day," as there are many creative ways people across the country are getting involved. Moreover we can see police to be always active on their duty.Citizens of India are safe only because of you.Looking at the worse condition one should always support the officers.


Their job is risky, but it is a national duty!!!

The CISF provides security cover to 300 industrial units, government infrastructure projects and facilities and establishments located all over India. Industrial sectors like atomic power plants, space installations, mines, oil fields and refineries, major ports, heavy engineering, steel plants, barrages, fertiliser units, airports and hydroelectric/thermal power plants owned and controlled by Central Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), and currency note presses producing Indian currency are protected by CISF. It thereby covers installations all over India straddling a variety of terrain and climatic conditions. CISF also provides consultancy services to private industries as well as other organisations within the Indian government. The scope of practice includes security consulting and fire protection consulting. CISF is a unique organisation in the paramilitary forces of India, which works for seaways, airways and some of the major installations in India. In the CISF there are some reserved battalions which works with the state police to preserve law and orders. The CISF plays a major role in Disaster Management. The CISF has a 'Fire Wing' which helps during fire accidents in Industries where the CISF is on guard.


Stories That Count, From People Who Care!!!

Apublic thank-you to our Nebraska news reporters is past due. The reporters for this paper, along with the local television and radio stations, work tirelessly -- and at risk to their own health -- to keep us informed and hold our officials accountable. Newspapers are hurting financially, and yet we are getting COVID-related stories free of charge on online editions. Our Nebraska news reporters are out on the streets finding those stories even though there are fewer and fewer reporters each year. These journalists are our neighbors and our friends, moms and dads risking their health to bring us COVID-19, and other, stories. They find the sad stories and the happy ones. They are the people whose words and voices we wake up to each morning, the individuals who we watch each night. Do not disregard their work. Do not disregard their sacrifice. The Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics calls on practicing journalists to “seek truth and report it.” Their code requires journalists to be accurate and fair. It also requires journalists to be honest and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information. You are our information heroes.


Better solution, to a better you!!!

COVID-19, also known as coronavirus, has become an epidemic disruption, impacting customer service and support delivery and affecting customers worldwide. Customer service and support leaders should use this appraisal to establish near- and long-term strategies for responding to potential impacts.While customer service and support leaders are familiar with business continuity and disaster recovery planning, pandemic planning is different because of its wider scope and the uncertainty of impact. The global and dynamic impact of events such as COVID-19 also require planning for longer recovery times and many scenarios; because pandemic events are so fluid, things can change quickly and without notice. Customer service and support leaders need well-developed but flexible plans to deal with COVID-19. These plans should address operational continuity, staff morale and customer demand.


WHO has recognized acupuncture as effective in treating mild to moderate depression!!!

On 24 April 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) hosted an EPI-WIN COVID-19 webinar on the topic of “safe return to work”. Participants represented a wide variety of organizations including hospitals, universities and research institutes, professional bodies and academic societies, United Nations agencies and other international organizations, national government departments and agencies, non-governmental organizations, labour unions, and the private sector. As the numbers of daily deaths as a result of the ongoing Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic begin to decline and conversations intensify around lifting restrictions on both individuals and businesses in a number of countries, this webinar sought to address the growing demand for information on how this can be achieved safely, and implications of the pandemic’s secondary impacts for business and society going forward. The webinar’s speakers were able to highlight specific challenges faced across a range of sectors.


No matter the day, safety is here to stay!!!

Railways said the items were being ferried through its timetabled parcel services to strengthen government's efforts in managing the challenges and adverse impact of the coronavirus outbreak. Railways has transported 1,150 tonnes of medical items during the lockdown period across the country, the national transporter said on Sunday, adding that they include medicines, masks, hospital items and other medical commodities. It said the items were being ferried through its timetabled parcel services to strengthen government's efforts in managing the challenges and adverse impact of the coronavirus outbreak in the country. At almost 400 tonnes, the Northern Railway ferried the maximum items followed by Western Railway (328.84 tonnes) and Central Railway (136 tonnes). While the railways has played a significant role in transporting essential commodities across the country, it has also been helping people with medical aid when necessary.


Your money in Good hands!!!

As the novel coronavirus spreads throughout the U.S., banks are adding extra benefits for employees working in branches as well as those pulled away from work to deal with illness and caregiving responsibilities. They are paying bonuses to front-line employees still working, or offering extra paid time off for those who are sick or self-quarantined, financial assistance with child care, or virtual doctors’ appointments. In a global pandemic, the added benefits aren’t just the right thing to do for employees, they’re also a valuable public health measure that could help slow the disease’s spread, bankers say. The $473 billion-asset Truist in Charlotte, N.C., for example, said that it would increase paid time off and family care benefits and pay a special childcare allowance to employees making less than $50,000 per year. And JPMorgan Chase said Friday that it will pay $1,000 bonuses to branch employees who make less than $60,000 and continue to work on-site.


Better solution, to a better you!!!

Amid the growing number of novel coronavirus cases in the country, the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment along with Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on Monday issued an advisory for the well being of 16 crore senior citizens across India and help them deal with COVID-19. The highly infectious COVID-19 has infected 9,352 people in the country, according to the latest data from the Union Health Ministry. The World Health Organization also said that the novel coronavirus is 10 times more deadly than swine flu, also called H1N1, which caused a global pandemic in 2009, the World Health Organization said on Monday, calling for control measures to be lifted "slowly". Senior citizens who are aged above 60 years and especially those with medical conditions, such as chronic respiratory disease, heart, liver and kidney disease, neurologic conditions, diabetes, hypertension and cancer, are particularly susceptible to infections during these times.The Health Ministry along with Department of Geriatric Medicine, AIIMS, Delhi has prepared a list of Do's and Dont's for the senior citizens.